Saturday, 17 December 2011

Day Four: December 16th

    My school has officially finished and even better it finished at 1:40 today which was nice as there was some time after school while it was still light so me and my friend Sophie decided to make a trip to the shops and it was a rather eventful trip, as it always is.
    We saw some people we know on the bus and were trying to help them out as one was attempting to think of gift ideas for his mum for Christmas but he didn't seem that keen on our suggestions which I thought were pretty good.. but I ended up buying something I have wanted for months, ever since I saw Zoe from Zoella on YouTube introduced me to them in one of her Primark hauls. I bought the monkey onsie. It has a tail and little ears and I probably should have found a better use of my £12 but I finally gave in to getting it. 
    My friend however bought a jumper and she counted all of her money to make sure she had enough which she thought she did after I leant her my last pound and she went to buy it but when she got to the checkout I noticed that she was taking a really long time buying it as I had a little chat with the sales lady who was really funny and bought my onsie and she got to the checkout before me. Eventually she calls me over and there are neat lines of 20p pieces layed out across the counter and she says to me 'Esther, can I please borrow another pound?' which I didn't have. It all ended with the lovely sales man giving it to her for £11 which was really lovely of him as Sophie was just beeing dopey as usual.
    9 days until Christmas!

Day Three: December 15th

I was at school today but only one more day remaining until the Christmas holidays begin and me and my friends decided to present swap today which was really exciting. I knew most of the things that I was getting but the excitement was still there as they were things that I have been wanting to try for ages but haven't been able to justify buying them for myself.
    In the wind down to Christmas at my school, teachers stop bothering to teach us because they know that it won't stay in our heads so they tend to just do Christmas quizzes with us but after three days of them practically every lesson, you start to loose purpose of actually going to school as you don't learn anything but oh well, it's my last Christmas at school so I best make the most of it.

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Day Two: December 14th

I had a PE exam that I forgot about today. Usually the last week of the Christmas term is lovely and relaxed and you just do wind down lessons as teachers know that your brain has turned to mush along with the weather and it's a good chance to just have a relaxed time before Christmas but not this year. I had a PE mock exam which will determine me staying in the GCSE PE group which I really do want to do as I find all the the anatomy side of PE rather interesting although it can get a little tedious at times. The exam was easy but I made some stupid mistakes but I won't go into detail as it will be rather dull. 
    Me and my friends are exchanging Christmas presents tomorrow which I don't see the point in as we are going out for a Christmas meal and it'd be nice to do it then but hey-ho no matter.
    December 14th: 11 Days until Christmas!

Day One: December 13th

    I am writing this a day late as I had such a busy day and just wanted to go to sleep when I got home.
December the 13th and I have already done all of my Christmas Shopping! Well that has got to be a record for me seeing as I don't usually even have my tree up by now. Today was my schools Christmas Carol Concert/Service or whatever it's called now. It was the same as it has been ever since I have been involved in the band at my school: a soprano opens up with the first verse of Once in Royal Davids City and then the choir come in holding candles and it would all be so lovely and atmospheric if I hadn't seen it five times before and although, some people like tradition, this is going a little too far as every year in the rehursal I feel like I have either gone back in time or no time has past because nothing at all has changed. 
    One of the many perks of being in the school band is how much school you get to miss for it. Throughout the whole day I played for around an hour and got to leave the church at around 1.40pm which was amazing and I just went Christmas Shopping with my Dad and Sister. 
    December the 13th: 12 Days until Christmas!

Friday, 9 December 2011

12 Days Of Christmas

Just a quick note to say that I will be blogging every day for the twelve days running up to Christmas. Originally, I had decided to do the twelve days after Christmas but I have exams and think that the period leading up to it would be of more interest so that will hopefully start on Tuesday the 13th! Enjoy.

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

A Walk in the Woods

    These are pictures from the walk I went on with my family (minus my brother) after we had gone and bought our Christmas tree which there was some controvosy over as me and Lucy wanted to get the biggest one that we could but alas, my parents were not for our idea. It has been a sort of tradition but more to blame of how unorganized we are that we don't put our decorations up until the week before Christmas but what we have found in the trees that are for sale then really aren't very good so we decided, this year to be super organised.
 The woods were stunning and Autumn is still in flow with leaves everywhere. I did wear my wellies which I was very excited about but I was also wearing a skirt and didn't want to change so was a bit restricted. We found some rope swings which I wasn't very well dressed for but being me, I went on them anyway.
    I am very sorry for the poor quality of the top three photos. My dad isn't used to taking pictures with this camera.

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Story Telling One

    Yesterday was the first day of the Christmas season which for me, is signified for me by walking along streets lit with Christmas lights. It's sort of a little compensation from the day ending so early and the night ending so late. On the first day of Christmas, I went shopping in Brighton with some of my friends which was, as always, something which I will struggle to forget. 
    We were walking up to Churchill Square from a trip to Lush which is inconveniently placed quite far away from everywhere we wanted to go and me one friend were walking really quite fast so that we could sit down and have some food because have you ever found that after shopping for a little while, you get a tad stressed, and food is always the answer for this. We realised that the rest our little group were no longer behind us and we just thought that they'd stopped and found a shop that they wanted to go into which they do a lot and is rather annoying  but really, they were stood there with bird poo splattered all over them. It was splattered over the four of them and unfortunately, I was the only one who found the funny side but in those situations, you've just got to laugh. They were literally covered in We spent about twenty minutes after that in the disabled toilet de-pooing my friends, but for the most part, I was laughing too much to be of much help so you can imagine how popular I was. 
    I will post a little 'haul' of what I bought and the pictures that I took when I get my camera back later.