Sunday, 27 May 2012


England is gripped in heat and there is nothing I love more than summer. I love the feeling of being tanned and all of the long summer evenings and these things cancel out the things about British summers which are rather unpleasant such as women spilling out of their clothing and the amount of drunk people falling about outside the pub near my house. 
On another note, my summer started on Monday as I am now on study leave and this heat could not have come at a better time! I have spent the days on the beach and in the sea which is gradually warming up. The pictures above were taken on Thursday after I had two exams when we went 'cave crawling' and swimming in the habour which probably wasn't the smartest idea as we missed getting hit by a boat by about 20 seconds and this boat created waves which almost washed over all of our phones and clothes which were resting on a rock nearby which would have been a disaster. All in all, my summer is off to a pretty amazing start!

One of my grandparents tortoises eating: I thought this deserved a spotlight as it's so cool!

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