Playing Rummie much to the displeasure of the commuters on the train.
Me and Sophie in our customary seats.
Sophie's blog is:, go and have a little nosey.
Descending into Topshop in Oxford street to be met by the equivalent of all of the shops in my town.
Don't know the significance of Marble Arch but it is at an entrance of Hyde park which, is my name so naturally we visited it.
A lamp post in Hydpark which I intend to paint.
M&M Beatles.. I still can't understand why four floors of m&m's is necessary.
The Sherlock themed tube station at Baker Street.

This is a very picture heavy post of my trip to London on Monday which was very fun. I went up there with three good friends, Jess, Sophie and Emily although a few more people travelled with us. It was a beautiful day and although it is only the beginning of April, it definitely felt a bit like summer! We started by doing some shopping at Oxford street where we all got some really nice things as it is coming up to summer and of course we need new clothes! We then took a trip through Hyde park which I have wanted to do for rather a long time as it is my name and it is such a lovely place and it feels the most like home out of all of the places in London because you can actually see more than a slither of sky between the buildings although this made it feel nothing like London at all. We then took a tube to China Town which smelled absolutely divine and had a really cool atmosphere. Other than Oxford Street, the main purpose of our trip was to visit Baker Street because three of us are huge Sherlock fans bought on my both the movie and the TV series so we wanted to visit 221B baker street and there is a museum and a shop there now although someone told me it used to be a bank or something of the sort. Inside, it felt really old fashioned and we were the youngest people in there which was strange because all of the older people in there probably think of Sherlock Holmes so differently to us as they have had more experience of all of the stories made him. But we bought a couple of mementos and even picked up a few of the business cards that they had out which were amazing I thought. Finally, deciding to save visiting tower bridge for another day because we were too tired to appreciate it in all of its glory, we took a tube back to Victoria station and travelled home. We arrived at about 10.30am and left at around 6pm and we had a very full day of travelling and visiting some typically British places and I enjoyed myself immensely!
Again, I apologise for the lack of editing in these photos, my laptop is still being temperamental.