I don't know what it is about traveling but it just makes me feel alive. Like anything could happen because everyone around you doesn't know you and will almost definately never see you again and even if they do, won't remember your face. It's quite a nice feeling: like being invisible and forgotton in a place which swallows you up in it's activity.
We got the train from our little seaside town to London Victoria at a ridiculous hour in the morning but it meant we really did have the whole day in our native capital city. I really like the word native. It's sort of like naieve but means the complete opposite but at the same time, although it is in the country that we legally belong to, most foregners know more about it than I do. I'm getting distracted. We arrived at London Victoria station and it didn't feel real. It's sort of the feeling of when you go on a plane for the first time and everyone around you has done it a million times so the excitement has worn off. When I'm in that situation and see someone enjoy someting like I used to and it makes me see how amazing it actually is. From the South coats to London in 90 minutes. Being able to be above the clouds. When you think about it, it's amazing but it's things that we've come to expect. That's why I didn't feel stupid when me and my sister took hundreds of pictures out of the plane window and just generally making a big deal about everything. I love being naieve sometimes. Right back to the London trip. We decided to walk everywhere because we'd come to see London and there'd be no point in spending a lot of our time in London underground in place of seeing how beautiful the city actually is. That's another thing about travelling: you never really get familiar enough with a place that you get bored of it which is where the feeling of leaving a part of you behind comes from. Wherever you go, a little peice of your heart does to. With the sights you see, the people you meet and the stories you fall in love with. I fell in love today. Not particulaly with the buildings although they were amazing, but with the fact that it made me happy and the people I met and the people I spoke to really seemed to have time to talk which I never really expected, especially in London. We saw the London Eye, Big Ben, The River Thames, Trafalga Square, Covent Gardens and a lot more of the amazing places that London is most famous for. I feel like a bit of a cheat going to the tourist areas, but I justify it with, it's my first of many trips to London and I will have polenty of time to do some of the other things this amazing city has on offer.
I really am babbling today I am so sorry. I will tell you about Covent Gardens. We got there and we'd just spent an hour and a half waiting for David Tennant.. Don't ask. It was lunch time so everyone was tired and starting to get hungry which I knew would happen and was dreading it when it did but it didn't last long which was a releif for me because I was just as excited the whole way through our trip as I was when we first arrived. We only really went in two proper shops which I don't regret at all. I actually regret going in so many: Lush and Octupus or something like that. It sells kitchin utensils with faces on them (that's the one I wasn't bothered about) but I fell in love with the Lush there! Most of the shop is downstairs in the cellar and it just reminded me a bit of my kitchin and then a bit of a cheese storage.. which is a strange thing of a cellar to remind someone of but there you are. I loved it. For the rest of our stay in this lovely little place we went to the little market and as it was saturday, arts and crafts were for sale and I got some little goodies there. I won't go into any more detail on anything because this post is getting really long.
I'll round of by saying, I loved my time in London and willd definately be going there again at some point in the near future and the far future too and if you haven't been there, go. I wasn't really expecting to like it because I'm a complete beach freak and I feel homesick when I'm not by the sea sometimes but the aliveness of london sort of made up for that fact. Thankyou London for being so amazing for all of the people that you gave me the opputunity to meet!
We were so excited to see the London eye it must have been quite entertaining for any stranged walking past us. But we finally got a picture with it which is harder than it looks because of the amount of people!
We wanted a picture by the Sherlock Holms Pub which we found. It is the building in the background above my head and to the right a bit (the black building) but as you can tell it didn't really come out too well. Oh well we know what it's of ;)
The sun was amazing all day for us and I thought this was pretty.
I have always wanted to see the Thames river. Not because it's anything special to look at but it's just so open and free which is such a contrast to the middle of a city.
This was the first building we took a picture with. I love being young xD
Johnny Depp :O (lookalike)